onsdag 1 augusti 2012

This day will only be about this list, so enjoy it.

Is it fun to have a blog?
I guess so. Sometimes. But not really, when no one is commenting. (So do that, please!)

Do you have any piercings?
4 earings.

Are you more like a city person or do you prefer the countryside more?
Defenitly a city person. I wanna leave in a really big city.

Do you cry a lot?
During some months I can cry alot, others not. It's very up and down.

How did you end up writing a blog?
Some friends of mine has it. And I wanted to have a place with photos and texts.

What is your hobby?
To paint, listen to music and do crazy stuff.

What is your horoscope?

Are you a social or a quiet person?
Definitly social. Love to be around people. And like, I never keep my mouth shut.

Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse?
Donald Duck! Because he's a duck, duh!

What are you wearing now?
Jeans, a soft white T-shirt, white socks, glasses.

With what kind of persons do you get along well?
People that are open-minded and joke around alot.

What is your favorite flower?

What is your favorite season?
I don't have one. But I do have favorite months.

Do you have any pets?
Sadly, no. 

Which tv-series are you following?
Gossip Girl, How I Met Your Mother, Once Upon A Time.

Do you have any sisters or brothers? Are they younger or older than you?
An elder brother.

Do you like photographing and what camera do you have?
Of course! And I have a Canon EOS 400D.

Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes. Since 3 years ago.

Do you have glasses or contact lenses?
Both... But I never wear it lenses, they are annoying. And glasses, never in public.
Awesome glasses, right?

The best ice cream flavour?
Cookie Dough.

Do you hate tv-commercials?

Are you allergic to anything?
Not what I know of. But maybe to my grandfather's swimming pool.

For how long have you been interested in photography?
Since I figured out how a camera works.

What kind of camera did you had when you started?
Some plastic shit. 

how much have you spent for camera equipment?

Which schools did you apply for?

Favourite colour?
Blood red, black, purple.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A decorative painter/set piece-painter
Actaully did part of this one. Will show you some day.

Do you read any foreign blogs?
What program do you use when you edit your pictures?
Adobe Photoshop Elements. 6.0

Why did you start taking pictures?
Because... it's awesome..

What seven things would you want to experience or do before you die?
1. To be a painter in Paris.
2. Party in Berlin.
3. Own a black pug called Batman.

4. Visit New York.
5. Hug Johnny Depp.
6. True love.
7. To paint a really big painting and let the whole world to see it.

What is your favourite clothes?
Oversized t-shirts, lace blouses, anything in black

Are you spontaneous or do you always think things through before doing something?
I think I'm both. 

What would be the loveliest thing that could happen to you at the moment or in the near future?
That I get a job at Beyond Retro. And that my cousins moves to Stockholm.

What is your favorite wild animal and why?
Polar bear. They are strong and beautiful.

What kind of persons irritates you the most?
The ones that keep braging and are selfish. And ofcourse the ones that are hot&cold.

Do you believe in god?
Yes, I do.

Where do you live?
Stockholm, Sweden.

What is your natural hair colour?
Sort of blonde.. ish.

What colour did you use when you dyed the hair?
Something that my hairdresser mixes, just for me.

How much does it cost to do you hair at hairdresser?
700 kr if I just dye it. 1110 kr if I cut and dye it.

(Took this list from vilma hang but realised it was questions just for her... whatevs.)

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej!
    I'm not sure if you noticed my answer so I dig out your blog to answer to you "personally" :-D
    So you can use the pictures in your tumblr if you put the click-through link to my blog. And you can find other one off those pictures from my tumblr:
    Now this sounds like I'm advertising myself but... well maybe I'm doing it :-D


eller vad tycker du?